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/ Galilee Archaeology In Pictures / Galilee Archaeology in Pictures.iso / pc / Images.cxt / 00006_Bitmap_screen 1_flat (.png) < prev    next >
Bitmap Image  |  2006-01-31  |  2MB  |  800x600  |  16-bit (51,800 colors)
Labels: text | screenshot
OCR: HOW TO USE THIS CD-ROM @ The Dead Sea Scrolls in Pictures MITAMIDA BAS CD-ROM SLIDE SETS MAIN MENU: The first screen that will HOW TO USE (REQUIRES AUDIO) appear is the Main Menu. PREPARE SLIDE SHOW Dead Sea Scrolls Along the left side of the screen are three options: VIEW ALL SLIDES IN PICTURES HOW TO USE VIEW ALL SLIDES PREPARE SLIDE BAS SHOW Return to Main Menu Continue